Monday, February 07, 2005

Football + beer + wine = Ejection & Smashing

Sunday saw the much anticipated clash between Chelsea and Manchester City; as usual myself and ArtBlu were sat on our very own sofa at Robinskis. There was more excitement in store than usual, City being the only team to have beaten the premiership leaders this season in their previous encounter at the Eastlands. We played valiantly, together as a unit and with some expert saves form James we held the leaders to an impressive, hard fought and well deserved 0-0 draw. I'd already been bought 3 pints and when ArtBlu declared that we were going to carry on drinking as a celebration I was more than happy. A trip to fuzion noodle bar was also declared where we ordered a bottle of wine, ordered our food and ate it accordingly. Twas a lovely meal and it had been a thoroughly enjoyable day so far. I sparked up a cig and was instantly asked to extinguish in the Non-smoking restaurant environment. My friend engaged herself in negotiations with the staff enquiring whether we could go outside for a legal smoke, then come back and finish our wine. From my standpoint the request was asked in a friendly and altogether polite manner. This shaved haired manc who was eating alone, covered in ridiculous sovereign rings, (one of which was a dollar ring!) starts having a go claiming she had been "mouthy" and "rude" to the staff! A little row ensued. We ended our cigs and went back for the wine. ArtBlu tried to make peace with this guy but he was being a twat, claiming he could run to town and back without being tired. Town from Fallowfield isn't that far anyway, hardly an impressive boast anyways. "I'll throw both of you threw that window." Hmm.

Everything starts getting a little hazy. I remember throwing onions across the table at my friend (she detests onions) along with noodles that had spilled onto the table. Pretty low behaviour towards someone who has paid for your food and drinks. She then decides to throw my glass of wine over me at which point I get up, go round to her side finding myself engaged in some type of wrestle which in turn knocks her glas of wine over the table. A member of staff comes over, "Right, that's it, on your way." Ejected from a restaurant! In our inebriated dispositions we both found this amusing and merrily headed to One-stop to get some cash for bruins. I started being a bit of an annoying twat inside the shop, trying to wind up my friend for shits and giggles. For some reason we were both legging it towards Bruins, ArtBlu slipped and took a tumble, injuring both of her knees and forehead in the incident. A demand for more beer was made and granted. How it all happened I don't know but we got involved in a drunken row, both of us saying some really nasty, hurtful things to try and upset the other one. She picked up my phone and threw it across the room where it landed on the floor in tact. I immediately grabbed her phone off the table and launched it against the wall where it smashed into what seemed like a million pieces. Everyone in the bar (about six people) turn to see what's going on and an upset ArtBlu trying to find all the pieces of her phone. I was still so angry that I didn't bother to help and chose to remain in my seat. My hair was pulled and I was hit. Barlady approaches me telling me I'd better leave because I'd seriously pissed her off. I make my way to Macetrix's house to collect my computer, destroying some car wingmirrors along the way. As the night progressed I sobered up, recalling more and more about the night and feeling extremely guilty and shitty. I had no phone credit so I sent a SMS online making my apologies, receiving a similar one back in the morning. I went to uni, we met and made up, both apologising. Her phone is back together although a little battle scarred. Turns out the manager has barred me from Bruins. Boots and Bruins, when will we meet again. I'm not the type of person who you'd expect to get ejected and barred from places, keeps happening though.


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